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8 Last Minute & Early Bird Liveaboard Deals - Save up to 30%
We bring you news of the latest dive boat deals, specially selected for us by, the liveaboard specialists. Including 5, 6, 7, 10 and 14 night trips.
Seadoors, Philippines, SAVE 15%, Price from USD 1798 per trip per person 18-24 November
Nautilus Under the Sea, Baja California 8-13 October 2023 - 5 nights in the Sea of Cortez, SAVE USD 400. Ex-research vessel refurbished for small groups of divers. USD 1595 per person.
Ratu Laut, Raja Ampat 16 - 22 Oct & 27 Oct - 02 Nov 2023 (6 nights), SAVE 20%, Price from EUR 1,620 1,296 per trip per person.
EcoPro Mariana, Maldives Central Atolls31 Dec 2023 - 07 Jan 2024 & 07 - 14 January 2024 (7 nights), SAVE 15%+ get free Nitrox, Price from USD 2,498 2,123 per trip per person.
Creature of the month is the Orange Clubbed Nudibranch, Limacia clavigera
You can easily recognise this lovely little nudibranch by the orangy-yellow "clubs" around its body, curving inwards over its back.
Orange clubbed sea slug, also known as the Yellow-clubbed nudibranch. Taken in the Isle of Man. Photo credit: Tim Nicholson, from his excellent book Nudibranchs and Sea-slugs.
They are normally up to 20 mm long, but Norweigen scientists have reported seeing some as large as 40 mm.
This nudibranch feeds on encrusting bryozoans like Electra pilosa and Membranipora membranace. These tiny boxes of creatures live in a colonies on kelp and other seaweed.
Limacia clavigera feeding on Membranipora membranace in Sweden. Photo credit: Joroland
The three feathery appendages at the back are its gills.
The nudibranch's rhinophores, which it uses to smell or taste, are yellow tipped and lamellate or folded. These ridges increase their surface area and expands their chemoreception capabilities.
Here you can clearly see the laminate rhinophores projecting from the head of the nudibranch. Photo credit: Madelein Wolfaardt/DepositPhotos.
Like all nudibranchs, Limacia clavigera is hermaphrodite - both male and female at the same time.
Orange clubbed nudibranch with its swirls of eggs. Photo credit: Peter Southwood CC by 3.0.
Until recently Limacia clavigera was thought to be widely distributed, from the Atlantic coast of Europe, including the British Isles, to the Mediterranean, Azores and Canary Islands. It had also been reported in southern Africa. However researchers now believe that these sea slugs living so far apart may actually all look very similar but are six different species. Limacia clavigera is the North Eastern Atlantic species. The others have been classified as the smaller L. inesae, a new species living from the Med to the Canaries, and four other Limacia species in southern Africa.
Whichever species you see, it is always a delight.
New Scuba System increases bottom time New Avelo scuba set promises to: Increase bottom time, give effortless neutral buoyancy, improve air consumption and reduce weight and bulkiness. Sounds great - anyone tried it?
Revealed: Why the UN is not climate neutral The UN claims to be almost entirely climate neutral, yet that claim is based on buying millions of carbon offset credits that experts say do little to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Big teeth, bigger data Researchers are testing how well shark sanctuaries work, using public fishing data. Unlike some other marine protected areas that ban commercial fishing entirely, shark sanctuaries still allow some fishing. The stress on the sharks of being caught and released results in unintended shark deaths.
NOAA Identifies Seven Nations for Illegal Fishing Activities The 2023 report identifies Angola, Grenada, Mexico, China, Taiwan, The Gambia, and Vanuatu as nations and entities participating in illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Two were also identified for issues related to shark catch.
Hypocrisy is threatening the future of the world's oceans A few powerful nations are undermining progress towards global ocean sustainability. French and Spanish ships harvest up to one-third of tuna in the Indian Ocean with unsustainable fishing methods. Conversely, Chile has designated 41% of her waters for protection
Stunning Underwater Photography Collection Underwater photography captures unique marine life and breathtaking environments, offering a mesmerising perspective that unveils the underwater world's hidden beauty
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Photo credits: Tami Freed, Madelein Wolfaardt/DepositPhotos, Jennifer Idol, Becky Kagan Schott, Albert Kok/CC by SA-3.0 Unported, Tim Nicholson, Jill Studholme
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