Wednesday, March 27, 2019

SCUBA News - #225 - March 2019


SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011)
Issue 225 - March 2019

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What's new at SCUBA Travel?
Featured Liveaboard - Snake Adventure
Creature of the Month: Cup Coral
Diving news from around the World

Whether you are an experienced or first time diver, dive with FunDive to explore the exciting world of Crete's marine life

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What's New at SCUBA Travel?

Colourful soft coral

Where is the best diving in Thailand?

Manta rays, whale sharks, warm water, great food - with over 2000 km of coastline, and hundreds of islands, there is something for everyone: reefs, walls, caves, drifts, swim-throughs, drop-offs, wrecks and pinnacles.
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Diving Kenya

Kenya's amazing aquatic world

Five marine parks protect Kenya's fringing coral reef with sealife from seahorses to whale sharks.
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Angel Shark

Discover the most diverse community of sharks and rays in the EU

Seventy-nine species of elasmobranch live in or visit Gran Canaria and the rest of the Canary islands.
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Featured Liveaboard - Amira

Snake Adventure

Amira liveaboard

20% Off Indonesia trip - visit some of the most spectacular dive spots around the Banda Islands including Snake Island, famous for its many and diverse sea snakes.

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Creature of the Month: Cup Coral, Tubastraea coccinea

Cup Coral

The cup coral Tubastraea coccinea is the pretty, orange, tubular coral which you see growing in underhangs, drop-offs and reef slopes in strong currents. At night the coral skeleton - corallum - is hidden by lovely ring of bright yellow tentacles. During the day the tentacles are retracted into the coral tube.

The name comes from the Latin for tube (tubus) and the Greek for star (astron). The skeletal tubes measure 5-15 mm across and protrude by 10 mm or more from the coral surface. Tubastraea species occur from the surface to depths of nearly 1500 m. There are four or five species throughout shallow Indo-Pacific waters (Red Sea, Thailand, Indonesia, Hawaii, etc.). Orange Cup Coral is also found in cold water.

Cup Coral polyp

As Tubastraea grow in low light, they lack symbiotic algae (which require light to photosynthesise). This in turn means that they grow relatively slowly and do not contribute to reef building. They are also known as Sun Coral or T. aurea.

Class: Anthozoa > Subclass: Hexacorallia >Order: Scleractinia > Family: Dendrophylliidae

Photo by Tim Nicholson.

Further Reading

More Creatures of the Months...
Corals of the World by Elizabeth Wood

Diving News From Around the World

Our round up of the best underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed


Equatorial coral reefs less affected by global warming
Ocean warming is threatening coral reefs globally. Whenever sea temperatures rise in an area, coral reefs degrade. However, a new study has found that corals at or near the equator are less affected than corals elsewhere.

Guilty ship

Indonesia wins 2.52 million dollar settlement for coral damage by foreign ships
Indonesia has clinched a 2.52 million dollar settlement from the operators of two foreign-flagged ships that damaged coral reefs in the sea off southeastern Sumatra in 2017.


Seahorse Trust contest permission to drill for oil in seahorse area
The Seahorse Trust is challenging the UK government's decision to allow drilling for oil in Poole Bay, Dorset without proper environmental impact assessment.

Shark face

Study maps where tunas, sharks and fishing ships meet
Most fishing boats operating within the high seas part of the study region belonged to just five nations: Taiwan, China, Japan, Mexico and the United States.


Whales rocked by heavy metals
Whales in the Gulf of Maine are contaminated with toxic metals in concentrations similar to those seen in industrial workers with decades of exposure.

Another Whale with plastic

Plastics leading to reproductive problems for marine animals
Scientists say some marine animals with high levels of pollutants are failing to calve

Coral reef

No silver bullet for helping the Great Barrier Reef
Mass outflows of dirty water onto the Great Barrier Reef are raising concerns about their impact on reef health. Improving water quality can help the Great Barrier Reef, but won't suffice to rescue it.

Happy Scuba diver

Freelance Content Manager Required
Scuba diver wanted to audit's existing content, ensuring it is search engine optimised and moderating customer reviews. Create and grow your own content calendar based on sales campaigns, plus recruit and manage a team of multilingual freelance copywriters and translators.

SCUBA News is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. This means we are happy for you to reuse our material for both commercial and non-commercial use as long as you: credit the name of the author, link back to the SCUBA Travel website and say if you have made any changes. Some of the photos though, might be copyright the photographer. If in doubt please get in touch.

Photo credits: Tim Nicholson, Jill Studholme, Nick Hopgood, Dan Shapiro

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The Cliff
Upper Mayfield

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