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Family Maldives Trips

Get a special price on this Malidives family-friendly liveaboard: children aged 0-7 free, aged 8-11 50% off, aged 12-15 years 25% off
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Revealed: The SCUBA Diving Bestsellers of 2018
SCUBA Travel are pleased to release the list of our best selling SCUBA books in 2018.
Straight in at number one this year is the Underwater Guide to the Red Sea. Like last year there are just four new entries.
Here are the top ten: figures in brackets show the previous year's position.
1. Underwater Guide to the Red Sea
by Lawson Wood
Covers both the best dive sites and gives a photographic identification guide to the sealife of the Red Sea (--)
2. Scuba Diving in Mozambique
by Robyn and Ross Hofmeyr
A detailed guide to scuba diving in Mozambique. (--)
3. Dive Atlas of the World: An Illustrated Reference to the Best Sites
by Jack Jackson
300 pages detailing some of the world's best dive sites. (1)
4. Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die: Diving Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations
by Chris Santella
The fifth in Santella's bestselling "Fifty Places" series. (2)
5. Coral Reef Guide Red Sea
by Ewald Lieske, Robert Myers
An excellent guide to the fish and invertebrates of the Red Sea. (4)
7. Shipwrecks from the Egyptian Red Sea
by Ned Middleton
The definitive guide to the many wrecks of the Egyptian Red Sea. Very well researched - recommended. (--)
8. Neutral Buoyancy : Adventures in a Liquid World
by Tim Ecott
Tales of the characters and episodes in the history of diving: the sponge divers, the second world war saboteurs, the free divers.... (5)
9. Underwater photography masterclass
by Alex Mustard
Learn all you need to know to photograph the amazing creatures and landscapes that lie beneath the surface. (10)
10. The Darkness Below
by Rod Macdonald
From the best-selling author of four classic UK diving books, comes The Darkness Below - a collection of absorbing adventures gained from a lifetime in diving and first explorations of shipwrecks. (-)
Our round up of the best underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed
 | Brothers closed to liveaboards for the rest of the year Oceanic whitetips are acting more aggressively to divers - it's thought the large numbers of liveaboards are changing the shark behaviour, and not all boats at the Brothers Islands in the Red Sea are employing best practice. |
 | Looking back at the Deepwater Horizon spill 8 years on One of the worst oil spills, of all time, which destroyed ecosystems, sparked a global response, and cost the company responsible, BP a massive amount of money in clean up costs and legal action. |
 | Warming Oceans Are Offering a New Spot for Corals to Colonise In the South China Sea, corals are returning to a site they haven't inhabited for 5000 years. |
 | Dam Plan: The last 92 Irrawaddy dolphins in Mekong River may not survive Experts are concerned that the Mekong dolphin is unlikely to survive Cambodia's modernisation as a new dam is planned. |
 | Pacific nations under climate threat urge Australia to abandon coal within 12 years Frustrated leaders appeal to all OECD countries to phase out use as Australia signals support for new plants |
 | UN climate accord inadequate and lacks urgency, experts warn Agreement will fail to halt devastating rise in global temperature, say scientists |
 | Svelte porpoises eat twice as much as humans to cope with the cold Harbor porpoises should be the envy of any dieter. That's because they eat a tremendous amount given their relatively small size, the equivalent of a 55-kilogram person. |
 | Even fish get the bends, and it's worse than in humans Rapid decompression can also cause a fish's swim bladder - a pocket of air inside a fish that is used to control their buoyancy - to blow up and cause problems. |
 | New wreck discovered in India Parts of a sunken ship near Devgad Island, located 9 km off Karwar coast, have become home to colourful corals and shoals of breeding fish. |
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Photo credits: Tim Nicholson, Jill Studholme, Malcom Browne
Previous editions of SCUBA News are archived at https://www.scubatravel.co.uk/news.html
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Jill Studholme
The Cliff
Upper Mayfield
SCUBA Travel Ltd, 5 Loxford Court, Hulme, Manchester, M15 6AF, UK
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