Welcome to SCUBA News. Creature of the month is back in this issue, plus our diving news and offers.
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Featured Liveaboard - Snorkel with Orcas and Humpback Whales
Snorkel with Orcas

Join Norway's Sula liveaboard for a unique chance to snorkel with orcas & humpback whales, and see the Northern Lights.
Learn More…
When is a Sea Snake not a Sea Snake
When it's in the Red Sea.
Our creature of the month is the Spotted Snake Eel, Myrichthys maculosis. This eel occurs throughout the Indo-Pacific and it is often mistaken by divers for a sea snake. However, if you should be in the Red Sea and see what looks to be a sea snake you can know for sure that it is actually a snake eel. This is because there are none of those venomous reptiles in the Red Sea. Scientists think that this is because the Red Sea is too salty.
The snake eels are an interesting group, seen much less frequently than the morays.
The spotted snake eel can grow up to 1 m long, but is usually less than half that length. It generally lives at depths between 1 and 25 m. However, it has been found 262 m down. You see it most often on sandy areas by reefs.

Feeding on fishes and crustaceans, it hunts by sense of smell. Like a lot of snake eels, when not hunting it burrows into sand. The tip of its tail is hard allowing it to dig down backwards.
The eels live in the Indian and Pacific Oceans down to South East Australia and South Africa. They are also known as tiger snake eels or oscellate snake eels.
Class: Actinopterygii > Order: Anguilliformes > Suborder: Congroidei > Family: Ophichthidae
Other creatures of the month...
Coral Reef Guide Red Sea, Lieske and Myers
Red Sea Reef Guide, Helmut Debelius
Our round up of the best underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed
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Photo credits: Tim Nicholson, Jill Studholme
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Jill Studholme
The Cliff
Upper Mayfield
SCUBA Travel Ltd, 5 Loxford Court, Hulme, Manchester, M15 6AF, UK
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