Creature of the Month: The Crocodile Fish or Carpet Flathead (Papilloculiceps longiceps)  Commonly known as the crocodile fish, the carpet or tentacled flathead lives on sand and rubble near coral heads - although you might also find it in patches of seagrass. A widespread species, it ranges from the Red Sea to Durban, to the Seychelles and Madagascar. You may also come across it in the Mediterranean, where it is has entered via the Suez canal. Look out for it at quite shallow depths: between 1 and 15 m. 
The flatheads are flattened fishes. They have two dorsal fins and bony ridges and spines on their heads. The body is mottled above, whitish below. The crocodile fish grows as large as 70 cm. It eats small fish. It is a very placid fish which, confident in its camouflage, lets you approach closely. Although related to scorpion fish it is harmless. Photo credits: Tim Nicholson Liveaboard Deals Buy one get one free on Maldives liveaboard MY Conte Max is offering a great deal where for every one person who pays, a friend can go free!  Valid for selected dates in November and December Learn More… Our round up of the best underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed
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