Welcome to SCUBA News. This month - where are the world's best wreck dives? Plus, what to do if you're stung by a jellyfish. New research has the answer.
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- What's new at SCUBA Travel?
- Letters
- What to do if you are stung by a jellyfish?
- Diving news from around the World
World's Best Wreck Dives
Where are the 10 best wrecks on the planet? Readers have been voting for their favourite wreck dives and we've updated the top ten. The Yongala, though, remains at number one.
See the World's Top Ten
Diving Malta and Gozo
The Maltese archipelago lies at the centre of the Mediterranean, 93 km south of Sicily and 288 km north of Africa. It comprises three islands: Malta, Gozo and Comino. With clear waters and rocky scenery the islands are very good for diving.
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Diving Tioman, Malaysia
Tioman is a Malaysian island in a marine park. The water is warm, from 27 oC during the diving season of February to November. If loads of fish and nudibranchs are your thing, then Tioman is for you. We've many more dive descriptions for Tioman
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Snorkelling in Saudi Arabia
I,am going to visit Mecca to do Omra I like to do snorkelling in the Red Sea too. How should I do it? Any advice?
Moheidin Hanafi
BSAC Novice I
If a diver was a BSAC Novice I diver, what would be the equivalent nowadays? Thank you :)
Spanish translation needed
Yo tengo un 2 profesional restringido, si quisiera comvalidarlo con un deportivo por cual me lo convalidarian, mi titulacion es una titulacion sacada militar, del ano 1982
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Jellyfish stings are responsible for more deaths than shark attacks each year. Even "mild" stings can hurt for hours, or sometimes days, and leave lasting scars. According to some estimates, more than 150 million people are stung by jellyfish each year.
Scientists have now found overwhelming evidence that applying hot packs, or immersing in hot water, is much better for treating jellyfish stings than the cold water which was previously widely recommended.

Mauve Stinger Jellyfish, the most venomous in the Mediterranean, by Andrew Reay-Robinson
The researchers, Christie Wilcox and Angel Yanagihara from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, trawled through more than 2,000 articles in major scientific journals to find every study to date that looked at using temperature-based treatments for jellyfish stings. They found that the data conclusively supported immersing in hot water, finding that the venom is inactivated at temperatures between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius.
"I was shocked that the science was so clear, given that there is so much debate over the use of hot water," said Wilcox. Hot-water immersion is already the standard of care for other severe marine stings including those from the potentially life-threatening stonefish. "It's simple, really: If you're stung, use hot water or hot packs rather than ice or cold packs."

Lion's Mane Jellyfish, one of the biggest in the world, by Tim Nicholson
The scientists concluded that immersing a stung limb in 45 oC water for 20 minutes has no ill effects, is a safe and effective method of reducing pain and improves the outcome of the sting.
So, if you're stung by a jellyfish, you know what to do.
Our round up of the more interesting underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed
Right whales threatened by planned seismic surveys
A series of seismic surveys for oil and gas planned for the coastal areas of the United States pose a substantial threat to one of the world's rarest whales, according to a group of renowned marine mammal scientists which is urging a halt to the surveys.
Tuna industry calls for a cut in yellowfin catch
It's got so bad that even the big tuna fisheries are calling on the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission to reduce catches of yellowfin tuna.
Investigation finds rampant illegal fishing in Costa Rica
Authorities estimate that as many as half of Costa Rica's small-scale fishers may not have fishing licenses
Great Barrier Reef: 93% of reefs hit by coral bleaching
Comprehensive aerial survey reveals full extent of the devastation caused by abnormally warm ocean temperatures
Creating Super-Charged Corals to Beat Climate Change
By giving evolution a helping hand, Ruth Gates aims to produce corals tough enough to survive in increasingly hostile oceans.
Diving scientists record 'cloud' of thousands of swarming crabs
Researchers have no idea why red crabs off Panama might be behaving in such a way, says a biologist: Nothing like this has ever been seen
Limiting catch of one type of fish could help save coral reefs
Study finds that just protecting parrotfish could be crucial to the recovery of Caribbean reefs from damage related to climate change.
Diving and Snorkeling Guide to Raja Ampat and Northeast Indonesia 2016
New book looks to be very useful for trips to Raja Ampat and the nearby islands.
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Photo credits: Tim Nicholson, Tioman Diving Centre, Andrew Reay-Robinson, Runeng
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The Cliff
Upper Mayfield
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