For as long as divers have prowled the seas, The Florida Keys & Key West have been revered as one of the top dive destinations in the Western Hemisphere. Within the federally protected waters of the 2,900 nautical square mile
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary lies the most extensive living coral reef in North American waters. Revered for its consistently clear water and easy access, the
Florida Keys Reef Tract offers something for divers of every skill level. Here, enormous brain coral, gorgonians, swaying sea fans and dramatic coral canyons and archways provide refuge for massive schools of fish. Along this 150-mile long, 4-mile wide reef system divers will encounter more than 100 species of living coral and over 500 species of fish. Anemones, starfish, sea cucumbers, crabs, sand dollars and sea urchins hold tight to the extensive spur-and-groove coral formations, while surgeonfish, neon gobies, grunts, damselfish, huge gray angelfish and hogfish meander the shallows. Alert divers and snorkelers should also be on the look out for sea turtles, huge manta rays, placid nurse sharks, giant grouper and even the occasional whale shark. The Florida Keys are also a haven for wreck divers. Along the
Florida Keys Wreck Trek divers will have countless opportunities to go down with the ships. From the 510-foot
U.S.S. Spiegel Grove -- one of the largest wrecks in U.S. divable waters -- to the 524-foot missile-tracking ship
USS Vandenberg, the Florida Keys & Key West should have its place on every diver's dive log.
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