|  | | For More Information Call 1-800-321-0298 | | | Discover Ocean Corporation's great opportunities in commercial diving Imagine becoming the "ultimate diver." That's an impressive goal for any scuba diver, one that represents mastering some of the most challenging skills in the diving world. For decades, the Ocean Corporation has been teaching those skills to the most passionate of divers, the ones who want to make a living through diving. Those who achieve that "ultimate" status have new opportunities to become commercial divers. | | | | | Through Ocean Corporation's extensive work in diver training, students have cited three top reasons for wanting to pursue a career in commercial diving: - The Challenge
- The Love of Diving
- The Travel Opportunities
Those reasons align perfectly with the drive that so many divers have already. But working with Ocean Corporation can take that drive and propel it into a whole new way to experience diving. To prepare commercial divers for the special challenges they'll face, Ocean Corporation's Ultimate Diver Training program includes an impressive regimen: air diving, mixed gas and saturation diving, underwater welding, underwater nondestructive testing, remotely operated vehicles, decompression chambers, rigging, offshore safety and survival, and HAZWOPER certification for diving in contaminated environments. What you learn makes you not just an ultimate diver, but one of the most skilled craftsmen of any kind in the world. | |  | | |
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