Tuesday, June 26, 2018

SCUBA News - #217 - June / July 2018


SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011)
Issue 217 - June 2018

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What's New at SCUBA Travel?

Nurse sharks

Back in Time to Nicaragua

Quiet diving in the Caribbean, in the Pacific and in volcanic lakes. Lots to choose from in Nicaragua.
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Greece sea

Diving the Greek Islands

Great visibility and plenty of wrecks - try Greek island diving in the Med.
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Manta ray

Seychelles Scuba

The Seychelles are protecting 210,000 square kilometres of ocean and welcoming scuba divers.
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Liveaboard Deals

Save $1100 on Galapagos Liveaboard

Galapagos Liveaboard

With features specially for photographers, save on liveaboard
visiting Galapagos Central Archipelago, Darwin And Wolf Islands.

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Divers' help needed mapping seagrass with app

New research shows that a fifth of the world's biggest fisheries depend upon healthy seagrass meadows. The meadows are also extremely important for small-scale fisheries.

Seagrasses are marine flowering plants that form extensive meadows in shallow seas on all continents except Antarctica. A new study, by scientists at Cardiff and Stockholm Universities, concludes that seagrasses should be recognised and managed to maintain and maximise their role in global fisheries production.

In the Mediterranean, for example, seagrass covers less than 2% of the sea floor, but seagrass-associated fish and invertebrate species comprise 30%-40% of the total value of commercial fisheries landings.

One of the author's of the study, Dr Leanne Cullen-Unsworth, says: "Seagrass meadows support global fisheries productivity by providing nursery habitat for commercial fish stocks such as tiger prawns, conch, Atlantic cod and white spotted spinefoot".

Dogfish in Seagrass

Seagrass meadows are currently experiencing rapid decline with loss estimated at around 7% of their global distribution annually

How you can help

There is now an app for mapping Seagrass. You can become a citizen scientist and contribute to marine conservation with just a few taps of your phone. Get along to Seagrass Spotter and make your contribution.

Further Reading

Posidonia in Peril: Save the Seagrass Meadows, Gaye Rosier, SCUBA News.

Seagrass meadows support global fisheries production, Richard K.F. Unsworth Lina Mtwana Nordlund Leanne C. Cullen-Unsworth. Conservation Letters, 21 May 2018

Photos CC BY 4.0

Diving News From Around the World

Our round up of the best underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed

Red Sea corals

Red Sea Coral can Survive Climate Change, but not Sewage and Excess Nutrients
Coral reefs in the north Red Sea are resilient to climate change and acidification, but excess nutrients from sewage, fish farms and flash floods can finish them off.

Transparent eel robot

Transparent Eel-like Robot Swims Silently Underwater
The bot is an important step toward a future when soft robots can swim in the ocean alongside fish and invertebrates without disturbing or harming them.


Oldest diver in the world is 94!
Navy veteran Ray Woolley has been awarded the record of the world's oldest diver. Last year, at the age of 93, Ray did 51 dives. To mark his 94th birthday he made a 38-metre dive to a sunken ferry.


Shark fisheries hunting dolphins and other marine mammals as bait
Global shark fisheries have for decades engaged in the deliberate catch of dolphins, seals and other marine mammals to use as bait for sharks, a new study has found.

Deep sea coral

Deep-Sea Corals Win Protection in Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico deep-sea corals have won protections today in a first-of-its-kind plan to safeguard some of the region's coral hot spots and restrict damaging fishing gear in most of those areas.


Third of Arabian Gulf's marine life could be extinct by 2090
Rising water temperature, changing salinity and oxygen levels, and human activity, are all adding to the strain on sea life, with the report claiming that 35 per cent of the fauna found in the Arabian Gulf in 2010 will become extinct over the next 62 years.

Plastic bag in sea

How ocean pollution affects marine wildlife
Around 1.4 billion pounds of garbage is dumped into the ocean every year, which along with other sources of pollution, including sewage, industrial waste, and oil spills, kills over a million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals every year.

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Photo credits: Tab Hauser, Jill Studholme, Tim Nicholson

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Upper Mayfield

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