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- What's new at SCUBA Travel?
- Letters
- Creature of the Month: Orange Peel Nudibranch
- Diving news from around the World
Diving Portugal
As well as the diving around mainland Portugal, there is also splendid diving in the Azores and Madeira archipelagos which sit way out in the Atlantic. Read More
Crossover Qualification
There are many different bodies around the world which award diving qualifications and we've updated our table giving a rough guide to equivalent qualifications. Read More
Diving Honduras
The best diving in Honduras is in the Bay Islands. These comprise Roatan, Utila and Guanaja which are part of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef. Of these, Utila has the better diving, and has the added advantage of being cheaper than Roatan. April and May are a good time to dive the Bay Isands, when the weather is warm and dry. Read More
Several questions this month: please contact news@scubatravel.co.uk with your answers and opinions and we'll pass your message on.
NVQ in Diving?
Good Day,
I have an HSE1 and a C.S.W.I.P 3.2U (now expired), and I wanted to know if there's a NVQ level for either. I contacted TWI but they don't know. I want to study and it would be most helpful to have a NVQ credit.
Justin Ryan
National Dive League
I have an advanced open water with National Dive League. Is it worth me doing a PADI Open Water advanced?
Dear sir,
Could you please tell me which of CMAS or PADI certificates is more valid(reputable)?
Faramarz Navi
In Reply to Last Month's Letter on Diving with Dyslexia
As a instructor with dyslexia I find I'm warmed to my student that also have dyslexia and find I have personally found away to understand and remember dive theory, this also works well with my student because I can teach theory in a way that help dyslexia suffers. So I would say you are right by saying there should find a dive center that is acceptant to slower learners but also would say it's much more about the instructor also. If they can find the right dive shop with the right instructor then there would be a very good chance to help his daughter, providing the center give the instructor the time needed and offers one on one. At the end of the day teaching should be about giving not taking.
Jeremy Blake (padi mi instructor)
AquaCreed Scuba
Sri Lanka
by Rick Rogers
The Orange-Peel Nudibranch (Tochuina tetraquetra) is the largest nudibranch in the world, growing to 50 cm or 18 inches!. You can find them from Siberia to Alaska and down to California. The one in the photo was about 15-20 cm long, and was just inches from my wide angle dome. And they're supposedly edible.

Orange Peel Nudibranch which grows to a massive 50 cm
The delicate looking lace-like margin comprises its gill tufts and you can also see the two "antennae-like" rhinophores (scent receptors).
It feeds on hydroids, sea pens and soft corals. Depending on what it eats, the colour changes from a pale yellow-orange to a deep red-orange.
Photographed in the Browning Pass of British Columbia. I tried to light it up in order to accentuate the surface texture.
Animalia (Kingdom) > Mollusca (Phylum) > Gastropoda (Class) > Opisthobranchia (Subclass) > Nudibranchia (Order)
By Rick Rogers, DiverTreck
Our round up of the more interesting underwater news stories of the past month. For breaking news see our Twitter page or RSS feed
IUCN Oceans Photographer of the Year 2016 Contest now Open
Photographers are invited to submit up to three photos in six categories, including marine life, destinations, human impact and marine conservation.
Major seafood brands linked to fishing in fragile Arctic area
Greenpeace finds suppliers of cod to Birds Eye, Findus and Young's are using controversial bottom trawlers in the northern Barents Sea.
Get Your Good Fish Guide
Get the most up to date sustainable seafood advice in the palm of your hand with the Marine Conservation Society's Good Fish Guide
Underwater Robots Make Independent Decisions
Submarine robots can act independently: finding and following squid.
The World's Largest Whale Sharks Are Disappearing
Where are they going?
Never-before-seen life spotted by Hawaiian deep-sea expedition
In general, the deeper you go in the ocean, the fewer living organisms you find. But during a 4000-metre-deep dive this month, shipboard scientists came across a large aggregation of corals and sponges plus a deep sea shark.
GPS signal used for sat-navs could improve knowledge of ocean currents
For the first time sea level has been mapped from space with GPS reflections. The information could help monitor ocean currents by measuring the slopes currents cause in the ocean's surface.
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Photo credits: Tim Nicholson, Leo Clifford, NOAA, Rick Tesoro, Marine Conservation Society, Nick Cobbing/Greenpeace, Patrick Meier
Previous editions of SCUBA News are archived at http://www.scubatravel.co.uk/news.html
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Jill Studholme
The Cliff
Upper Mayfield
SCUBA Travel Ltd, 5 Loxford Court, Hulme, Manchester, M15 6AF, UK