SCUBA News (ISSN 1476-8011)
Issue 157 - June 2013
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Welcome to Issue 157 of SCUBA News. Browse down for an article on diving Marsa Alam in the Red Sea, including why the Dugongs have disappeared.
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- What's new at SCUBA Travel?
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- Diving Marsa Alam: Where are the Dugongs?
- Diving News from Around the World
Diving Brazil
Brazil has 7490 km of coastline, but perhaps the best diving is 350 km (220 miles) off the north east coast at Fernando de Noronha. A national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001, Fernando de Noronha boasts warm water; caves, caverns and tunnels; spectacular rock formations and many, many big pelagic fish.
World's Top 10 Wrecks
We've updated the list of the World's best wreck dives. Top of the list is still the Yongala (Australia), followed by the Thistlegorm (Red Sea) and the Liberty (Bali). See the full list, and vote for your choice, at
Where to Dive with Manta Rays
Dive tourism involving Mantas is a growing industry. More money is made from live mantas than from dead, caught mantas. However, tourism related industries can also negatively impact individual behaviour, entire populations and critical habitat. Find where to see mantas aggregate, and dive with responsible operators.
For regular announcements of what's new at the SCUBA Travel site see our Twitter feed, Google+ or Facebook pages.
Diving Travel Insurance, Galapagos
Hi SCUBA Team,
Thank you for these always interesting news!
Do you can recommend some travel cancellation insurance? We are 14 divers, CE nationalities, going to dive Galapagos on Liveaboard. But it is quite hard to find an insurance for cover cancellation trip up to Euro 4500 or 5000.
Please let us know if you know about.
Thank for your attention and best regards,
Cruising Indonesia
Hi Nadine, Try World Nomads which offers cancellation cover of 7000 Euro.
Graham Collins describes the diving around Marsa Alam: dugongs, dolphins, sharks and turtles.
No Longer the Haunt of the Dugong; but Turtles and Guitar Sharks Abound
Abu Dabab, at Marsa Alam, used to be the haunt of the dugong, but the building of 3 hotels has meant the bay is now too busy. Also the sea grass area has been badly damaged by the washing of sand into the bay following a rainstorm: the sea grass has been replaced by a brown algal growth on the sand. Our first dive here followed the north side of the bay along the reef. This is an interesting dive and we saw 4 large remora on their own (without a host). A second dive went out into the sea grass area and saw several guitar sharks and 3 large turtles which were untroubled by our presence and gave good photographic opportunities.

Dolphin House Reef has been designated a protected area, to protect the shallow bay where the dolphin sleep. A day boat is used to reach this site, and attracts snorkellers who swim with the dolphins when they leave their protected area, as well as divers. We were dropped off from the boat as it reached the horseshoe shaped reef, and we made a drift dive along the reef to where the boat anchored. There are lots of soft corals, and a turtle lunching on soft coral, which made for an excellent dive. Following lunch on the boat we took the opportunity to snorkel with the several dolphin pods which were clearly happy to interact with the snorkellers.

Later we dived through the canyon which makes a beautiful scenic dive from the boat anchorage and round the coral pinnacles in the area.

Although many of the bays around Marsa Alam have been developed with resorts and hotels, a few have been protected and make good shore dives. We dived at Marsa Al Salya. This involves quite a long walk out across the reef, and then we searched the sea grass area, without great success, so then we followed the north side of the reef for a pleasant dive. To the north is Marsa Eglet, where we found several turtles feeding on the sea grass.

Out on the north reef there is a beautiful coral block with shoals of glass fish and lots of other life. On the way back there was a very large moray eel.
The Solitaire House Reef
We did two dives on the house reef of the resort to check it out. The entry is a jump off the jetty which goes out over the reef. On the first dive we went north along the drop-off. This was typical house reef scenery and fish life, and because of the limited diving over the last few years had good coral growth. There was a full sized Napoleon wrasse on the way back. In the afternoon we went south along the house reef, where the drop off is steeper and there are even more corals. A silhouette at the bottom of the drop off turned out to be a zebra shark resting, and we were able to get good close up views before it moved off. There were also scorpion fish, a moray eel and sting rays.

As the season changes from winter to spring, there can be strong winds along the red sea coast. We tried a dive at Marsa Samedi, but it was a bit like a washing machine in the bay, so our last day was spent playing water polo with the other guests in the resort pool.
We welcome your diving reports - send them to new@scubatravel.co.uk
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Victory for Red Sea Conservation: National Parks not for sale
The Egyptian Minister of Tourism has intervened to stop the sale national parks along the Red Sea coast
Farmed fish overtakes farmed beef for first time
Cows have been overtaken by fish. For the first time in modern history, the world has been producing more farmed fish than farmed beef. But instead of being a boon for the environment, many fish farms are damaging it because of the types of fish they breed.
Iceland Resumes Whaling for Japan: More Dog Food?
Environmental organisations have strongly criticised the resumption of commercial fin whaling by Iceland. There is no market for fin whale meat in Iceland: in the past the whale meat was entirely for export to Japan, mostly to be made into luxury dog food.
The Shark Conservation Act Could Make Shark Fishing Easier
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently proposed changes to the Shark Conservation Act of 2010 that would completely ban the practice of shark finning, could actually lessen protection for sharks.
Great Barrier Reef on the brink as politicians bicker
The federal government insists it is striving to avoid the Great Barrier Reef being listed "in danger" ahead of a crunch UN meeting, after rejecting a Senate recommendation to block new port developments near the World Heritage ecosystem.
Israel's marine environment faces serious threats by development
A new report describes significant damage to environment caused by human activity and paints grim picture of the state of conservation of Mediterranean seacoast.
Shark tourism expected to double as fishing value declines
Conservationists urge better protection for the creatures as study reveals that shark-watching generates 314m dollars a year.
Basking sharks late to UK
Basking sharks fail to arrive at UK, probably because of colder water than normal and lack of plankton bloom.
Millions of Plastic Bottles and Bags Collected on Coast
2,205,393 plastic bottles and bags collected during the Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup
Study reveals how fishing gear can cause slow death of whales
Using a "patient monitoring" device attached to a whale entangled in fishing gear, scientists showed for the first time how fishing lines changed a whale's diving and swimming behavior. The monitoring revealed how fishing gear hinders whales' ability to eat and migrate, depletes their energy as they drag gear for months or years, and can result in a slow death.
Shark spawning ground found in Scotland
A deep-sea shark spawning ground has been discovered on Scotland's only inshore coral reef.
British Isles, Mediterranean and Coral Triangle are Blackspots for Shipping Accidents
Some of the world's most iconic oceans are also the most at risk according to a new study on shipping accidents released by WWF. Southeast Asia - particularly the Coral Triangle - the east Mediterranean and Black Sea, North Sea and British Isles are the highest risk areas for accidents at sea and the subsequent environmental damage.
An Economic Boom in Turkey Takes a Toll on Marine Life
The development-at-any-cost policies of Turkish Prime Minister Recip Tayyip Erdogan - a key factor behind the protests and clashes in Istanbul's Taksim Square - are also playing a role in the steady decline of the nation's porpoises, dolphins and other marine life.
North Sea cod stocks on road to sustainability
North Sea cod stocks are on the road to sustainability, according to Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) research.
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Photos copyright Tim Nicholson, Graham Collins and Agsftw.
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